Lesson 8. HWUpI. How remarkable.

Lesson 2 HW Been there done that
√ Test your grammar
√ Making your point
√ Homonyms

addicted əˈdɪktɪd  склонный
adjacent əˈʤeɪsənt  смежный
adventurous ədˈvɛnʧərəs  предприимчивый
afterthought ˈɑːftəθɔːt  запоздалая мысль
aim eɪm  цель
album ˈælbəm  альбом
anonymous əˈnɒnɪməs  анонимный
arrogant ˈærəʊgənt  высокомерный
authorities ɔːˈθɒrɪtiz  власти
award əˈwɔːd  награда
awful ˈɔːfʊl  ужасный
bald bɔːld  плешивый
behave bɪˈheɪv  вести себя
beyonddescription bɪˈjɒnd dɪsˈkrɪpʃən  неописуемый
bonfire ˈbɒnˌfaɪə  костер
boring ˈbɔːrɪŋ  расточка
brain breɪn  головной мозг
branches ˈbrɑːnʧɪz  ветви
breakdown ˈbreɪkˌdaʊn  сломать
bruise bruːz  синяк
bullies ˈbʊliz  хулиганами
burglar ˈbɜːglə  взломщик
businessman ˈbɪznɪsmən  бизнесмен
busy ˈbɪzi  занятый
camouflaging ˈkæmʊflɑːʒɪŋ  маскировка
cement sɪˈmɛnt  цемент
challenging ˈʧælɪnʤɪŋ  испытывающий
clever ˈklɛvə  умная
co-star ˈkəʊˈstɑː  одной из главных ролей
comforting ˈkʌmfətɪŋ  утешительный
competitive kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv  конкурентоспособный
completely kəmˈpliːtli  полностью
conceited kənˈsiːtɪd  тщеславный
conservancy kənˈsɜːvənsi  охрана природы
coral reef ˈkɒrəl riːf  коралловый риф
countryside ˈkʌntrɪˌsaɪd  сельская местность
dangerous ˈdeɪnʤrəs  опасно
delicious dɪˈlɪʃəs  вкусно
delighted dɪˈlaɪtɪd  Обрадованный
desert ˈdɛzət  пустыня
detect dɪˈtɛkt  обнаружить
diagnose ˈdaɪəgnəʊz  диагностировать
disappointing ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ  неутешительный
disaster dɪˈzɑːstə  катастрофа
documentary ˌdɒkjʊˈmɛntəri  документальный
downpour ˈdaʊnpɔː  ливень
driving test ˈdraɪvɪŋ tɛst  тест на вождение
drums drʌmz  барабаны
embarrassing ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ  затруднительный
enormous ɪˈnɔːməs  огромный
exactly ɪgˈzæktli  в точку
excellent ˈɛksələnt  отлично
excited ɪkˈsaɪtɪd  в восторге
exhausted ɪgˈzɔːstɪd  измученный
extraordinary ɪksˈtrɔːdnri  необычайный
extreme ɪksˈtriːm  экстремальный
extremely ɪksˈtriːmli  чрезвычайно
fascinating ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ  очаровательный
goods gʊdz  товар
gorgeous ˈgɔːʤəs  безумно красивая
graffiti græˈfiːti  граффити
grandest ˈgrændɪst  грандиозная
handsome ˈhænsəm  красивый
hard luck story hɑːd lʌk ˈstɔːri  жесткий рассказ удачи
hard to believe hɑːd tuː bɪˈliːv  сложно поверить
heat exhaustion hiːt ɪgˈzɔːsʧən  тепловой удар
hectic ˈhɛktɪk  беспокойный
humble ˈhʌmbl  смиренный
impressed ɪmˈprɛst  впечатленный
impression ɪmˈprɛʃən  впечатление
interesting ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ  интересно
jail ʤeɪl  тюремное заключение
joke ʤəʊk  шутка
land of opportunity lænd ɒv ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti  земля возможностей
landscape ˈlænskeɪp  пейзаж
last but not least lɑːst bʌt nɒt liːst  последний, но тем не менее важный
laughing matter ˈlɑːfɪŋ ˈmætə  шутка
learning difficulties ˈlɜːnɪŋ ˈdɪfɪkəltiz  проблемы в изучении
legends ˈlɛʤəndz  легенды
listedbuilding ˈlɪstɪd ˈbɪldɪŋ  охраняемое здание
locations ləʊˈkeɪʃənz  места
marvelous ˈmɑːvələs  дивный
miner ˈmaɪnə  шахтер
miserable ˈmɪzərəbl  несчастный
modern ˈmɒdən  современное
mournful ˈmɔːnfʊl  скорбный
musical ˈmjuːzɪkəl  музыкальный
musical ˈmjuːzɪkəl  музыкальный
neglected nɪˈglɛktɪd  пренебречь
nightclub naɪt klʌb  ночной клуб
nostrils ˈnɒstrɪlz  ноздри
obey əˈbeɪ  подчиниться
oldlady əʊld ˈleɪdi  пожилая дама
ordinary ˈɔːdnri  обычный
pains peɪnz  страдания
panic ˈpænɪk  паника
perfect ˈpɜːfɪkt  идеально
periods ˈpɪərɪədz  периоды
persuade pəˈsweɪd  уговаривать
pleased pliːzd  довольный
plump plʌmp  толстеть
praise preɪz  хвалить
predict prɪˈdɪkt  прогнозировать
pretentious prɪˈtɛnʃəs  притязательный
priceless ˈpraɪslɪs  бесценный
production prəˈdʌkʃən  производство
profusely prəˈfjuːsli  обильно
properly ˈprɒpəli  должным образом
pruner ˈpruːnə  секатор
pyramids ˈpɪrəmɪdz  пирамиды
realestateagent rɪəl ɪsˈteɪt ˈeɪʤənt агент по недвижимости
really ˈrɪəli  действительно
recommend ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd  рекомендовать
rehydration rehydration  регидратация
relaxing rɪˈlæksɪŋ  расслабляющий
revising rɪˈvaɪzɪŋ  пересмотр
sceneofthe siːn ɒv ðiː  сцена
sceptically ˈskɛptɪkəli  скептично
self-important sɛlf-ɪmˈpɔːtənt  важничающий
sensation sɛnˈseɪʃən  ощущение
seriously ˈsɪərɪəsli  шутки в сторону
shocking ˈʃɒkɪŋ  отвратительный
silly ˈsɪli  глупый
situated ˈsɪtjʊeɪtɪd  расположенный
skyline ˈskaɪlaɪn  линия горизонта
soaking ˈsəʊkɪŋ  намокание
solitude ˈsɒlɪtjuːd  одиночество
sought sɔːt  искать
split-level home splɪt-ˈlɛvl həʊm  домой двухуровневый
stuck indoors stʌk ˌɪnˈdɔːz  застрял в закрытом помещении
stupidly ˈstjuːpɪdli  тупо
sunrise ˈsʌnraɪz  Восход
taxi ˈtæksi  такси
thank goodness θæŋk ˈgʊdnɪs  слава Богу
thrilled θrɪld  взволнованный
topped the tɒpt ðiː  превысила
touching ˈtʌʧɪŋ  трогательный
tram træm  трамвай
tree climber triː ˈklaɪmə  Человек, который лазит по деревьям
tree house triː haʊs  дом на дереве
treetops ˈtriˌtɒps  Тритопс
triplets ˈtrɪplɪts  тройни
unusual ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl  необычный
valuable ˈvæljʊəbl  ценный
view vjuː  Посмотреть
vote vəʊt  голос
wallet ˈwɒlɪt  бумажник
What a relief wɒt ə rɪˈliːf Какое облегчение
workmanship ˈwɜːkmənʃɪp  мастерство
worn wɔːn  изношенный

















Susan Magdalane Boyle
Susan Magdalane Boyle (born 1961) is a singer from a small town in Scotland who became internationally famous after appearing on the TV programme Britain’s Got Talent, where she sang T dreamed a dream’ from the musical Les Miserables.
Susan, whose father, Patrick, was a miner, was the youngest of eight children in a musical family When at school, she was diagnosed with learning difficulties and was often the target of bullies,
who called her ‘Simple Susan. However, she began singing in school productions and both her teachers and her mother, Bridget, recognising her talent, encouraged her to perform in singing competitions, which she did for many years.
In 2007, her beloved mother died and Susan stopped singing. She stayed at home with her cat, Pebbles, for two years, until finally she was persuaded to enter Britain’s Got Talent. The audience, most of whom looked sceptically at this plump, 48-year-old woman, were absolutely amazed when she opened her mouth to sing. Susan Boyle singing ‘I dreamed a dream’ became a YouTube sensation, viewed by 66 million people worldwide, particularly in America.
In the years after the show Susan , or ‘SuBo’ as she is now known, went on to make four best-selling albums, two of which topped the charts in the UK, and the US. There is even a stage musical of SuBos life called, of course, ‘I dreamed a dream. She now travels the world singing, but always returns to the same family home in Scotland.

T 8.2 See p63

T. 8.3
A It’s raining again.
B Oh no! Another miserable day when were stuck indoors.
A Cheer up! It’s good for the garden.
В I don’t care about the garden. I need some sunshine.
A How was your holiday?
В Great, thanks. Just what we needed.
A Did you do much?
В Not a lot. We just sat by the pool, read books, and took it easy for two whole weeks. Absolute bliss.
A Have you heard about Dave and Maggie?
В No. Tell me, tell me!
A Well, last week they went to a party, had this huge row in front of all these people, and ...
В Did it get physical?
A Oh yeah! Maggie shoved Dave into a
flowerpot, told him to get lost and went off with another bloke!
В What! I’m amazed! I just can’t believe Maggie’d do such a thing. It doesn’t sound like her at all.
A Come on in. You must be shattered!
В Oof, I am. I’ve been travelling for the past 30 hours and I haven’t slept a wink.
A I know - I can never sleep on a plane, either. Just sit down, take it easy, and I’ll get you a drink.
A How’s the new job going?
В Good, thanks, very good - but it’s quite difficult. I’m having to deal with so many new things. Still, I’m enjoying it all.
A Mmm - I know what you mean.
В It’s great to be doing something that’s so satisfying, and meeting so many people from abroad.
A Absolutely.
A There is just nothing good on TV tonight!
В What about that wildlife programme?
A D’you mean the one about the life of frogs?
В Yeah - does it look any good?
A You’re kidding. It looks absolute rubbish.
A What’s the matter with you?
В Oh my gosh - I’ve just put my foot right in it.
A What d’you mean?
В Well, I was talking to that lady over there and I asked her when her baby was
due, and ... er ... she told me she wasn’t pregnant.
A Oh, no! That’s awful!

T 8.4
A cool, young man was walking slowly down the busy street lost in thought, listening to music and humming to himself.

T 8.5
A beautiful, long-haired girl was sunbathing drowsily on the wide, white, sandy beach, wearing a fashionable polka-dot bikini.
A huge, bald, angry-looking policeman came running into the crowded room brandishing a gun.
A ten-year-old English boy found a black, leather wallet containing €1000 on the Paris Metro.
The once-famous, ageing actor Kirk Power was seen entertaining a young blonde lady in the expensive French restaurant frequented by many glamorous film stars.
The much-longed-for skiing holiday in Austria was a complete success, enjoyed by every member of the family

T. 8.6
1 A Did you get very wet in that shower?
  В Shower! It was a downpour! We’re
    absolutely soaking!
2 A I bet you were quite excited when your
     team won.
   В Excited! We were absolutely thrilled!
3 A I’m so pleased you are coming on holiday
    with us.
   В Well, I was absolutely delighted to be asked!
4 A Come on, nobody will notice that tiny spot
    on your nose.
   В They will, I just know they will! It’s absolutely enormous!
5 A I thought she looked rather silly in that
    flowery hat, didn’t you?
   В Silly! She looked absolutely ridiculous!
6 A Oh dear! Have you had a bad day at work?
   В Bad! It was absolutely awful!

T 8.7 See p65

T 8.8 See p65

T 8.9
A night at the Oscars
I am absolutely amazed and delighted to receive this award. I am truly grateful to all those wonderful people who voted for me. It is extremely rare for a musical to win best movie, so this is a huge honour. None of us could have predicted Angel Voice’ would be such an enormous success. It was an absolutely fantastic movie to do, not only because of all the brilliant people who worked on it, but also because of the incredible amount of stunning new talent we were able to develop. My special thanks go to the gifted writer Clarke Miller for the fascinating characters and hilarious script; to Michael Kellerman, the excellent musical director, for the marvellous songs and thrilling musical score; to the set and costume designers for their truly amazing creativity, and last but not least to my wife,
Marcia, for her priceless support. I absolutely adore you all.

T 8.10
Well, it was when I was living in Cairo and ... erm ... it was in the middle of the summer, so, was it, it was extremely hot, - between 40 and 45 degrees centigrade, and ... erm ... stupidly we decided to
go dancing and ... er ... we went to this night club and we must have danced for hours and hours,
... erm ... and it was very hot inside the night club and we were sweating profusely,... erm ... and ... er ... by the time we came out it was about five o’clock in the morning, and we decided, ‘Ooh wouldn’t it be a great idea to go to the pyramids to see the sunrise!’ So we jumped in a taxi, and the taxi was also quite stuffy and hot,... erm ... and we must have been starting to dehydrate at this point. Anyway, we got to the pyramids - and ... erm ... the sun was just starting to come up. And in, in Egypt, as soon as the sun comes up, the temperature rises dramatically,... erm ... but we were so excited at seeing the pyramids that we decided just to, to go and walk and see. At this point,... erm ... a man approached us and asked us if we wanted to borrow his motorbike, or hire his motorbike,... erm ... and so we said yes. So my friend and I, we jumped onto the motorbike and raced out into the desert - only to find after about ten, 15 minutes, that the motorbike was ... erm ... rather old and suddenly it broke down.
So we were miles from anywhere and ... erm ... had to push this motorbike to, to get back. I was the one at the back pushing the motorbike and of course ... erm ... I was using lots of energy, I was,
... erm ... losing a lot of fluid and,... erm ... it was getting hotter and hotter. Anyway, we ended up having to walk back, ... erm ... to, to the village to give the motorbike back to the man. And by this time we were rather fed up and tired and very hot, so we decided to go home. By the time we got home, ... erm ... I did start to feel a bit strange, I had a bit of a headache and ... erm ... I decided to go to, straight to bed. Anyway, I woke up about half an hour later, feeling rather confused, and sick, a bit nauseous, and ... er ... I realized that... erm ... my brain wasn’t working properly and that in fact I probably had ... erm ... heat exhaustion. Anyway, it was a, it wasn’t very pleasant, and -er, ah, it was a lesson in what not to do in ... er ... in such temperatures. I’ve never done that again. I always carry my rehydration salts with me.

T 8.11 Anna
The time that I was very, very cold ... erm ... was a time when I was working in Russia, in a small town in central Russia and ... er ... I was going to see some friends who lived on the outskirts of the town, and they were worried about me getting lost and they said that they’d come to the tram stop to meet me. But I wanted to be independent, so I, I told them ‘don’t be silly, of course I’ll find it’. And on the day of, of the visit, ... erm ... it was very, very cold, it might have been minus 30, but it might have been colder than that and ... er ... it was, it was so cold that at some of the tram stops and bus stops there were bonfires lit - special street fires ... erm ... to keep people warm and I think it was a day when the schools were closed, when the children didn’t go to school because it was so cold. So I put on all the clothes that I had - all the scarves and jumpers, and, and I took the tram to the outskirts of the town where my friends lived and it was right, right way out to the end of the line and I, I got off the tram, which was heated,... erm ... into this cold white world. And ... erm ... it was, it was so cold that if you ... when you breathed in, little balls of ice formed in your nostrils, you, you had to keep your ... erm ... a scarf over your mouth and nose. About a minute, two minutes after getting off the tram my, my ... er ... feet and hands were already hurting they were so cold. So I was walking around, 
trying to find the, the flat, but it was completely anonymous this, this landscape ... erm ... and there were these huge snow-covered white blocks, these buildings, 15 or 16 floors, but they all looked exactly the same and I couldn’t find the name of the, the street either, and it was very, very quiet and the, the tram had gone. Er ... and
I began, actually, to get very frightened because I was feeling so, so cold. Erm ... my feet and hands had, had gone beyond hurting almost, I couldn’t feel them any more. Erm ... it was quite difficult to breathe because of the icy scarf over my mouth and nose,... erm ... and I, I just couldn’t find where, where they lived, and I asked an old lady the way but my Russian wasn’t good enough, she didn’t understand me. And I was beginning to really, seriously panic, when suddenly in the distance I, I saw my friends. They’d come to find me and ... erm ... they took me home.

T 8.12
1 We went dancing in temperatures of over 40°C, which was rather a stupid thing to do.
2 My friends were worried I’d get lost, which was understandable.
3 We visited the pyramids at sunrise, which was just amazing.
4 My nostrils actually froze, which is hard to believe.
5 This motorbike broke down in the desert, which was no laughing matter.
6 The old lady didn’t understand a word I said, which is hardly surprising because my Russian’s lousy.

T 8.13
1 My sister has just given birth to twins.
2 Let’s go away for the weekend. Its been ages since we’ve had a break.
3 I failed my driving test on just one thing - I turned left instead of right.
4 More than 50 people were injured in the motorway pile-up.
5 Look at the state of this room! There’s stuff everywhere!
6 Its been pouring down for days.
7 The phone operator said I had to ring back later but he wouldn’t give me a direct number.
8 Our dog went missing for three days and then she just turned up, as large as life.
9 The minister said they would reduce unemployment by 10 per cent in six months.
10 My mum has had a knee operation but it hasn’t really helped her very much.

T 8.14
1 How’s your steak? Is it OK?
2 We were all going on holiday to Spain next week. We were really looking forward to it, but my father’s been quite ill so we had to cancel it.
3 A Has Ann had the baby yet? It must be due
any time now.
В Oh, yes. Haven’t you heard? She didn’t have one baby. She had three! Tom’s the father of triplets!
4 Mind your head as you come through this door. It’s very low.
5 Do be careful. That bowl’s really heavy.
6 Did you know that they eat horse-meat in some countries? And snails. And pigs’ feet.
7 Look! Isn’t that Peter over there, sitting on his own?
8 Tomorrow’s test has been cancelled!

T 8.15
1 A How’s your steak? Is it OK?
  В Mmm! It’s absolutely delicious! Just the way I like it.
2 A We were all going on holiday to Spain next week. We were really looking forward to it, but my father’s been quite ill, so      we had to cancel it.
   В Oh dear! What a shame! You must be so disappointed!
3 A Has Ann had the baby yet? It must be due any time now.
   В Oh, yes. Haven’t you heard? She didn’t have one baby. She had three! Tom’s the father of triplets!
   A Wow! How amazing! Triplets! That’ll keep them busy!
4 A Mind your head as you come through this door. It’s very low.
   В Ouch! That really hurt!
   A I told you that would happen.
5 A Do be careful. That bowl’s really heavy.
   В Whoops! I dropped it! Sorry about that! Don’t worry. I’ll get you a new one.
6 A Did you know that they eat horse-meat in some countries? And snails? And pigs’ feet? В Yuck! That’s disgusting! You            wouldn’t catch me eating that!
7 A Look! Isn’t that Peter over there, sitting on his own?
   В Hey, Peter! Come over here and sit with us. Let’s have a chat.
8 A Tomorrow’s test has been cancelled.
   В Phew! What a relief! Thank goodness for that! I hadn’t done any revising for it at all.

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